Wednesday, May 11, 2005

When to give notice?

The big question now is, When do I give my notice? My plan is to wait until my 5 year anniversary, which means I am vested in my pension plan. I figure that will be 4-6 weeks advance notice, which should be sufficient. I also really don't feel like paying for additional months of health insurance, among other expenses - especially with no income.

Many others have already announced their intentions to head back to school. "Back to school, back to school..." gives me thoughts of Adam Sandler singing in Billy Madison. Anyways, Iceman07 has detailed his experience in a pretty comical way. Read it!

Not a day passes that I don't think of my soon-to-be experience. It will be shortlived, like most things are, but you can bet your butt I'll have a smug look on my face!


Blogger daniel said...

I think your plan is a good one - Might as well make sure you'll get whatever out of your pension you can - they could opt to axe you before then if you tell 'em, depending on how dastardly they are... 4-6 weeks is generous notice. Just enough time to look like a real nice guy for plenty of notice, and just enough time to be all smug about leaving, without going overboard and burning a bridge. ;-)

May 11, 2005 9:03 AM  
Blogger rvb1977 said...

I'm going to do my very best to not burn bridges. I have lots to say, but most of it has no audience. I plan on going away humble on this one. Besides, most of it is psychological babble inside my head anyhow.

May 11, 2005 10:54 PM  

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