Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I gotta admit, that, when it comes to blogging and technology, I'm slow. For those of you who've been with me for a while, you MIGHT remember that I have a degree in Electrical Engineering. In fact, Computer Engineering was my specialty.

One might think that means that I would know everything about computers. There are a few realities, however:

- I have never really used my degree for any kind of computer engineering since graduation

- Even if I had used my knowledge, that would simply have meant that I would be cooped up in a little lab all day long and wouldn't have time to learn about new software or web things that are happening.

Hell, I might not have even heard about the London episodes yet. Point is, I'm slow, and new to blogging, but I'm getting there. But, I want to give big shout outs to KV and Daniel who have helped me pick up on some things (bloglines, feeds, counters, etc).

Thanks guys!


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