It's hunting season - as in hunting for jobs
The fall recruitment kick has been in full-swing for the past month and I've finally ramped my search efforts up to the sending 2 resumes per day threshold. Campus recruiting appears a bit stronger this year, too. The MBA job placement and salary stats have suggested this and it still looks true.
So far I've learned that the sell-side gig probably doesn't fit my personality very well - I'm always trying to think of ways to beat "the market" not ways to tell others how to do so. I've also learned that job hunting in this business parallels that of acting or dating - it's a numbers game...and you just aren't sure which day your A-game comes out. Plus, alot of people want to hear one thing or the other and, well, you just might not say that one thing.
So "we" keep pluggin' away ("We" represents myself and the soon-to-be Mrs. -> wow does that sound weird). Perhaps an offer will come soon, or perhaps there'll be a post-bonus season bonanza. Either way, I'm still quite optimistic. Behavioralism would then suggest that means there's quite a bit of time to go :-)