Sunday, January 29, 2006

Take the 'Hawks plus the 4...

Sorry Bus. You're one of the greatest guys to play the game of football, but your team is going to get beat on Sunday. Seahawks by 3.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Yet another post's been a while, huh?

Not much on the b-school front, 'cept we got a new assistant director of ASAP. He rocks - he comes with a bunch of experience in the investment biz.

Today I officially got entrenched into the semester, spending 3 hours on case pre-work for my valuation class tomorrow. This class is intense, but I'll be better off. The atmosphere is much like in the movies - no hi's or hellos, just continuous cold-calling. That's not too much unlike our prior classes, but this one just has an added feeling of "I better get my schtuff ready for this class or else..."

Tonight I'm trying to value an option on a pharmaceutical drug that has already passed pre-clinical phases. In the morning I will my brain is now currently fried from this and internship-hunting.

On the Job front, there is no reason that all of us shouldn't have a solid internship for the summer. Currently there are two hedge funds in the process of recruiting ASAP first-years, several mutual fund companies, and there are plenty sell-side opportunities opening up. Since there are only 10 first-years in ASAP, things look rosy right now, but that doesn't mean getting these jobs will be easy. Fortunately, there are even more companies who are planning to talk to us, but haven't made any official plans.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Semester 2 - about to begin

I did well last semester -> I'm still alive enough to write this post! So, I have my health. Life is good, right?

I say that because my family is messed up. Of course, everyone's is, right? A month off does nothing but reiterate that. They're messed up, but I still love them and I know that they'll get through the things that have happened.

So, tomorrow beginning at 11AM I will once again be in classes. Yeah, that 11AM start is going to be awfully rough. What sucks is that on Mon/Wed classes start at 8AM which means I will get lots of sleep on Tuesday and Thursday and probably no sleep on Mon / Wed. Life is rough.

I posted my classes last semester. I will do that again:

Investment Theory and Application
Corporate Finance Decisions
Valuation and Corporate Investment Decisions
Managing Behavior in Organizations
Operations Management
Professional Perspectives
Investing 101 - aka ASAP 101

Now for the introspective part of the post. I could have probably done just as well by spending less time on my classes. That's not to say I'm a slacker, but I could have worked out more, played some hoops and/or hockey or gone out more. This semester, with the CFA Level 1 exam looming, I may not have the opportunity. That means less Friday hangovers (Yay!) this semester. The point is, though, that you can have a life outside school, even MORE than I though.

Now it's time for me to find out how two of my buddies did in the MBA World Series of Poker. Next year, I am planning on heading to the event myself. Of course, I plan on winning it but in the game of poker you just never know what can happen.

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Break normal for most MBA's. But, when you're trying to crack into the Investment Management biz, it's still busy.

I have been pouring over a research report on Panera Bread. I intend to use it as an example of what I can write. Since it is my first official Equity Report, I wonder how accurate it can actually be. But, all I can work with is what I've been taught thus far, I s'pose. At least the analysis isn't telling me that Panera's worth either 3 dollars a share, or 300 hundred. It's actually fairly close to where it trades today, but not to where I think it will trade in a year.

Anyhow, the point is that break hasn't really been break for me. Well, except that I HAVE slept until noon three times. And I watched "The Price Is Right" once. It hasn't changed one bit since I was 5 years old!