A productivity idea
BE MORE PRODUCTIVE! It'll help the bottom line.
Well, who's bottom line? I mean, c'mon, really, is that going to put more $$$ in my pocket? You hear the buzzword productivity alot. There's even an economic indicator for it. But I digress...
Anyways, to help productivity - here's an idea: Get rid of security guard front desks. Why does an organization that is very large with so much to protect do so by hiring these "rent a cop" (my apologies for using a phrase with such a negative connotation if you are one of these people)types to "guard" entry to their buildings? How much do we pay these companies for this service? Seriously - all you need are two people (1 for programming, the other for physical maintenance) and some investment in technology. Put card readers on your doors and whalaa - you're 30 times as secure, 24 hours a day.
These guards don't "guard". They watch people walk in and out, without a care in the world. Sometimes they will actually check that work badge. Someone, who is dressed professionally walks in - well, she must work here - she's dressed for the part. She's ok to go in. And you can't honestly tell me these people remember the employees. The guards are practically different every week! Why, I do not understand. I mean, it's probably not a bad gig, if not a little bit boring. Sit around, chit-chat among your co-workers for 8 hours (with two 15-minute breaks and a half hour lunch) and then head home to do whatever with your "hard earned" cash. You'd think these jobs would have people lined up trying to fill them.
Anyhow, there's probably some method to the madness. I just don't see it.
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