Monday, January 23, 2006

Yet another post's been a while, huh?

Not much on the b-school front, 'cept we got a new assistant director of ASAP. He rocks - he comes with a bunch of experience in the investment biz.

Today I officially got entrenched into the semester, spending 3 hours on case pre-work for my valuation class tomorrow. This class is intense, but I'll be better off. The atmosphere is much like in the movies - no hi's or hellos, just continuous cold-calling. That's not too much unlike our prior classes, but this one just has an added feeling of "I better get my schtuff ready for this class or else..."

Tonight I'm trying to value an option on a pharmaceutical drug that has already passed pre-clinical phases. In the morning I will my brain is now currently fried from this and internship-hunting.

On the Job front, there is no reason that all of us shouldn't have a solid internship for the summer. Currently there are two hedge funds in the process of recruiting ASAP first-years, several mutual fund companies, and there are plenty sell-side opportunities opening up. Since there are only 10 first-years in ASAP, things look rosy right now, but that doesn't mean getting these jobs will be easy. Fortunately, there are even more companies who are planning to talk to us, but haven't made any official plans.


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