Monday, March 28, 2005

We're really living in a Dilbert life #2

This is really more of an Office Space reference...but you get the idea.

"Hello Milton. I'm going to need you to...go ahead...and move your desk to the basement." This desk has been at work for about two months. Empty. In case you can't see it, the sign says "This desk reserved for ____'s Engineer". In the photo below, you see that some middle manager has claimed this lovely cubicle a new team member he has "coming" (but has not arrived for about two months). To you Mr. Middle Manager, who is exhibiting one of the most predictable human psychological patterns - the power trip - we salute you. We hope you're loving your life and "power" in corporate america's mediocrity pool!

Posted by Hello


Blogger MargaritaLuvr said...

That is so unbelievably funny... and sad.

March 30, 2005 2:42 PM  

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