Presentation Complete
We finished our team presentation today. Oddly, though, I haven't actually written about the fact that we were responsible for a presentation.
That's because it took alot of time. These two weeks have served as a great introduction to group projects, managing time, and most importantly, how to function on lack of sleep.
I highly recommend that any incoming student invest in a spill-free coffee mug. Mine was $21, which seemed like alot to me, but cheap in comparison the the damage that a $9 mug that is merely "spill resistant" will cause.
As for my individual program, we met our first "Alum" yesterday. He discussed some interesting topics in the investing world, mainly breaking down the old "value vs. growth" debate that has been created by publications and financial planners, and what drives the notion that there is a difference (it's not a black and white situation). I talked a little more about that on my other blog.
Anyhow, I'm almost moved in and organized. My phone is still dead to the world. SBC hasn't been great, but, I also need to make sure they're better informed. But, now I'm ready for classes to begin. It's time. Enough with the orientation already! :-)
Hey there anonymous person! A friend of yours from your geographical area has been trying to get in touch with you concerning a car pool to a different geographical location that is populated by persons you are familiar with from your undergraduate days. Apparently your phone is dead, and we don't seem to have your current email address, so communication needs to be reestablished. Give him (or me) a call/email.
My employer has a 9/80 schedule and tomorrow is our "bonus" day, so do not use my work email. You can try to get a hold of me via Yahoo, or use a phone if you remember my number. I am leery of publishing phone numbers (mine or Dan's) on a blog that is open to the public, so I can't help you there. I would email you, but I don't have your address. I also forgot the site where we put our personal info so that we can stay in touch (genius move, eh?).
Chris and I are in Madison today and tomorrow just checking the place out on our way back from Minneapolis. We leave tomorrow afternoon for Chicago. Thought it might be fun to meet up for coffee or something. Email me at dailytravails at g m a i l if you're up for it.
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