Panera Bread (PNRA) it is...
Our group will be using Panera Bread as the firm of study for the semester in all of our core classes: Finance, Accounting, and Marketing.
The MBA program moved operations to the 2nd semester, thus we won't be studying that this semester like last year.
Woo hoo! Cinnamon Crunch bagels are now homework. How awesome is that?????
We're using Coach. So does that mean I have to buy a hugely overpriced handbag now?
Naw. We actually talked about Coach, too. You might win the award for stock that goes up the most...
If you guys are studying Panera, you should check out Phil Town's blog. He and some of his studends have done a ton of research into management. Might save you some time. There are a couple posts but here's a link to one:
err, lemme see if i can give that to you as an active link:
Phil Town Panera post
Thanks for the link. I have actually heard Phil speak once before - yes, at one of those things where he pawns the Investools system (Which actually isn't too bad - it's a bottom up with technicals approach).
ND: You're one lucky guy. Those bagels rule. I have to drive to get to a Panera now...grr....
Feel free to come and check it out if you get time :-)
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