Adam Smith would be proud...
I'm sleepy. I still feel disorganized, make that routineless. That's actually a good thing. The day goes fast. This is something that didn't happen to me while in my previous life as an engineer - where I lived Dilbert^3.
The big difference is that, despite my non-stop feeling of never having everything done, I relish in the fact that everything I'm doing is for me again. It's not to make some manager look good to some other manager who just wants to look good... In fact, life in the huge corporate cog is like looking into a kaleidoscope seeing managers everywhere. Half of them are idiots. Rather, they are probably fairly smart people who make idiotic decisions for emotional reasons which they are unaware of.
My ultimate goal is to be a philanthropist, but even that is for selfish reasons in many ways. So today, and for my next 21 months in b-school, my studies are for me. Adam Smith would be so proud...
How are you doing in fantasy football?
Just wanted to let you know that we're not using an accounting book. We have case books and course notes that the professor put together and that's it. It's a strange concept for me, but it it means less textbook reading I have to do, then that's fantastic. :)
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