Tuesday, September 27, 2005

This just in - B-School isn't ALL about the books!

In reality, you go to either
a) Change careers and do something you like or
b) To further your current career

So, you study and worry about exams and spend countless cash on books that will be mere paperweights in months, not even years. When...

The reality is - it's about your resume and who knows you (note that this IS different than the "who you know" thing that people always talk about).

Your resume is important, and you need to focus on finding, or if you possess confidence and perseverance - creating - a job. It's also about networking. And, at some schools, you just get "networking" as part of the package, whether you want it or not - and it's FUN. 'Sconnie (that's yet another nickname for Wisconsin) is one of those schools - even Sports Illustrated calls it the best college sports town in America. And, for a more recent article on "networking" in Madtown, check out Luke Winn's article on today's version of CNNSI.com.



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